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Wafer Cleaners

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Batch Etching Basin (KOH) 

List all items of this typeAcid Wet Stations

in Wafer Cleaners

Batch Etching Basin (KOH):

Complete dip acid etching unit manufactured by Kufner, Germany. The system is still in use, therefore there is the possibility for a sale on inspection.

Capable of processing si-wafers after grinding (KOH). Delivery of additional accessories is possible.


If there is a seriously buying interest, the technical specifications could be send



Batch Etching Basins 

List all items of this typeAcid Wet Stations

in Wafer Cleaners

Dip-etch wet benchs:

4x Dip-etch wet bench (1998)


Complete dip acid etching unit manufactured by Kufner, Germany. The system is still in use, therefore there is the possibility for a sale on inspection.

Capable of processing bonded si-wafers up to 80mm diameter.

Delivery of additional accessories is possible.


If there is a seriously buying interest, the technical specifications could be send.


KVA GmbH  

automatisierte Si-Pellets Ätzbank 

List all items of this typeAcid Wet Stations

in Wafer Cleaners

Pellet Edge Batch Etch Tool:

Automtic dip-etch bench (2014)


Complete dip acid etching unit manufactured by KVA, Austria. The system is still in use, therefore there is the possibility for a sale on inspection.

Capable of processing semiconductor devices (Diode, Thyristor)

up to 58 mm, delivery of additional accessories is possible.


If there is a seriously buying interest, the technical specifications could be send




List all items of this typeSolvent Wet Stations

in Wafer Cleaners

Ramgraber SST:

Used Configuration:

Tank 1: EKC

Tank 2: P1331

Tank 3 and 4: DMF

Tank 5: IPA

Known errors:

Filter from tank 4 is leaking

Heater 1 from tank 4 is broken

Heater 3 from tank 4 is broken

1   F*


see attached type lable 

List all items of this typeSpin Rinse Dryers

in Wafer Cleaners

Semitool Spin Rinser Dryer (2010):

Single Spin Rinser Dryer as tabletop unit (s. attached picture). The system is still in use, therefore there is the possibility for a sale on inspection.

Capable of processing up to 6" wafers, delivery of additional accessories possible (p.e. wafercarriers and adapters)




List all items of this typeAcid Wet Stations

in Wafer Cleaners

Spray acid etching system (2008):

Complete spray acid etching unit manufactured by Ramgraber Company (Germany). The system is still in use, therefore there is the possibility for a sale on inspection.

Capable of processing up to 6" wafers, delivery of additional accessories is possible.


If there is a seriously buying interest, the technical specifications could be send.

1 € 30,000.00

*   Vendor Role: Mfr is Manufacturer; Sup is Supplier/Distributor; OEM is Original Equipment Manufacturer

   photo available
   reference document attached
  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.